Service Description
Facing challenges in finding or purchasing products you need?
ThxKorea offers remote shopping assistance to find and purchase your desired products on your behalf .
Provided Services:
- Recommend Suitable Products Based on Your Request, Conducts Price Comparisons Among Various Options.
- Handle Purchases and Shipping to Your Preferred Location, If Needed
How to Use the Service:
- Click ‘Buy Now’ to process to next page – (Payment will not be processed until you provide your card number)
- Please provide detailed instructions and Special Requirements in the Additional information section on the next page
(Products you need, etc) - Choose your Payment method and Click ‘Place Order’ to Complete payment
- After making payment, ThxKorea Customer Service will contact you to assist in finding your desired products, confirm your address, and provide the final cost of the product along with a payment URL for your order
Terms of Service:
- The cost of product and the delivery fee are separate.
- The service includes assistance in finding and purchasing up to three items.
- Additional charges apply for assistance with purchasing more than three items.
- In case of delivery delays or product damage, customers are immediately informed and solutions are proposed.
- Delivery times may vary depending on the product’s inventory status. The service fee is non-refundable once the service has commenced.
Cancellation Policy:
- Once the shopping assistance service has commenced, the service fee is non-refundable.
- Cancellation after product purchase is subject to the online store’s cancellation policy.