
Hope your workweek is off to a good start.
You’re watching Monday’s edition of Issues and Insiders.
I’m Min Sunhee.
Today we address the recent surge in respiratory illnesses here in the region and elsewhere.
For this I have Doctor Kim Seung-taek from Institut Pasteur Korea here in the studio.
Doctor Kim it’s a pleasure to have you back.
I also have Professor Ben Cowling at the University of Hong Kong live on the line.
Professor Cowling it’s great to have you on.

1) Professor Cowling, let’s begin in China.
How worrying is the surge in respiratory illnesses there?

2) And Professor Cowling, why is China seeing such a surge now?

3) Doctor Kim, Korea has also been witnessing its fair share of respiratory illnesses.
How severe is the situation here?

4) Again Doctor Kim, what is behind the latest surge in such illnesses here in Korea?

5) Professor Cowling, I hear pediatric pneumonia cases are also a cause of much concern in China, and I hear health authorities are linking this reality to mycoplasma pneumoniae.
What do they mean?

6) Doctor Kim, media reports claim mysterious child pneumonia cases are being reported in Europe as well.
Do tell us more, and do include your thoughts on these findings.

7) Doctor Kim, is Korea also facing a rise in child pneumonia cases?

8) Professor Cowling, this next question is one that has been addressed by other media as well.
Can these pneumonia cases be caused by other organisms?

9) Doctor Kim, given these latest developments, do you suppose people should avoid travel to China for Christmas?

10) Professor Cowling, what precautions should relevant authorities within this region take to ensure an effective response mechanism to this latest health concern?

11) And Doctor Kim, speaking of health concerns, now that we have moved beyond the fear of COVID-19, what are the prospects of another pandemic in the future?

12) Professor Cowling, how prepared are our healthcare systems for another pandemic?

All right.
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