Deciphering N. Korea & Future U.S. nuclear policy


Q1. The U.S. has reportedly revised its nuclear strategic plan, and North Korea was quick to condemn the move, saying it’s an attempt to justify Washington’s dangerous use of nuclear weapons. What have you learned about Washington’s new nuclear plan, and how do you see Pyongyang’s reaction?

Q2. Reports of Washington’s new nuclear strategy drew an almost immediate response from North Korea, but the reclusive state still remains silent to President Yoon’s new unification doctrine unveiled two weeks ago. Prof. Lim, what are you reading into this?

Q3. The denuclearization goal of North Korea has been removed from both U.S. Democratic and Republican policy platforms. Is Washington shifting away from its long-held goal of CVID, or Complete, Verifiable, and Irreversible Dismantlement of North Korea and moving towards arms control?

Q4. The reports of the U.S. dropping the denuclearization goal of North Korea have reignited debate on South Korea’s nuclearization. Prof. Lim, what’s your take on the issue?

Q5. South Korea’s NIS has raised questions about North Korea’s missile production capabilities to fully operate its 250 new missile launchers unveiled earlier this month. What’s your take on this, and how do you gauge the threat of the new missile launchers?

Q6. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un oversaw a performance test of what the North called “suicide drones” on Saturday, calling for more production to bolster the country’s war preparedness. The Pentagon has said it takes threats from the drones “seriously.” What’s your analysis of the suicide drones? Could there be a possible drone cooperation between Pyongyang and Moscow?

Q7. U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is in Beijing for high-level talks. What sort of outcome do you expect from the visit, and what would be the highlights?

Q8. Meanwhile, Seoul is continuing to see a delay in the appointment of a new envoy for North Korean human rights. What’s causing the delay, and what are your future prospects for the Yoon administration’s North Korea human rights policy?
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