
Hello and welcome to Wednesday’s edition of Issues and Insiders.
It’s September 11th here in South Korea.
I’m Bae Eun-ji.
Today, we have foreign correspondents with their take on the headlines here on the Korean Peninsula.
I have Thomas Maresca, Asia Correspondent for American news agency UPI.
Thomas, it’s a pleasure to have you here.
I also have Celio Fioretti, Correspondent for French media outlet La Croix.
Celio, welcome.

1. Thomas, let’s start with the latest provocations from North Korea.
Last week, you covered the North resuming its practice of sending trash-filled balloons across the border. How has South Korea reacted to this?

2. Celio, the balloons were sent just before Japanese Prime Minister Kishida visited Korea.
What can you tell us about the possible motives behind the North’s actions, particularly in terms of the timing of the launch?

3. Thomas, North Korea has been sending these balloons for months now.
But they haven’t carried out attacks that could be a direct threat to the South –such as missile launches, for a while.
What are your thoughts on this?

4. Celio, regarding Kishida’s farewell visit to Seoul last week, how do you think this will impact relations between South Korea and Japan, which have warmed up in recent years?

5. Thomas, South Korea and the United States recently held military amphibious landing exercises over the course of two weeks. Tell us more about that.

6. Celio, President Yoon Suk-yeol is set to visit the Czech Republic later this month.
This is notable, given that a Korean company was selected as the preferred bidder to build two nuclear power plants there.
What might be on the agenda during this trip?
(Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Company(KHNP) selected as preferred bidder)

7. Thomas, the American nuclear energy firm Westinghouse has appealed against the Czech decision, accusing the Korean company of using its technology without authorization.
How do you think this issue will likely be resolved?

8. Celio, the French energy company EDF has also filed an appeal against the decision.
How do you think this might impact Korea’s plan to export nuclear reactors to Europe?

9. Celio, shifting to sports, the Paris Paralympics came to an end this past weekend. Could you walk us through some of the highlights from the games, with regards to Team Korea’s performance?

10. Thomas, an Australian swimming coach was fired over the weekend for supporting a Korean athlete during the Paris Olympics.
Can you tell us more about that, and what are your thoughts on this?
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