
Hello and welcome to Thursday’s edition of Issues and Insiders.
It’s September 12th here in South Korea.
I’m Bae Eun-ji.
Today, we delve into how advanced technologies are integrating with content creation.
For more on this, I have Park Hyunsu, manager of the Emerging Technology Content Team, from the Korea Creative Content Agency.
Hyunsu, thank you so much for your time.

1. Hyunsu, so this exhibition called ‘The Oulim,’ showcases Korean content combined with the latest technologies –and it’s taking place in Toronto.
Last year, it was held in places like London, Tokyo and Stockholm.
What is the significance of holding the exhibition in Toronto this year? And how was the exhibition organized to reflect that?

2. Hyunsu, as the organizer of this event, what is the Korea Creative Content Agency hoping to achieve through this exhibition?

3. Hyunsu, could you tell us about the vision and future plans for ‘The Oulim’?

And to take a closer look at the technologies and content showcased at the exhibition, and how exactly these technologies are used to create contents in Korea,
I have Lee Junho, CEO of ‘Plask,’ a Korean company that develops 3D animation tools using AI motion capture technology joining us from Toronto.
Junho, it’s great to have you on.
I also have Lee Gichang, project manager of ‘KALLOS’ a company that creates visual arts also joining us from Toronto.
Gichang, thank you so much for your time today.

1. Junho, you’ve participated in this exhibition several times.
What kind of technology is your company showcasing this year? Could you also share some examples of content where this technology has been applied?

2. Gichang, your company Kallos, also has been participating in the event.
What kind of content is your company showcasing this year? Could you also give us some examples of content where this technology has been applied?

3. Junho, what was your company’s main focus when preparing for this exhibition in Canada?

4. Gichang, what about you? What did KALLOS focus on when preparing for this event?

5. Junho, it’s said that ‘The Oulim’ exhibition is unique, in that it has segments targeting both businesses and consumers.
From a business to consumer perspective, what kind of experience do you expect the consumers to have through your company’s technology?

6. Gichang, Kallos has also taken part in other international tech events like CES, tell us about the reaction from overseas markets and businesses on Kallos and other Korean companies that utilze latest technologies to create content?
And what are your thoughts on the potential of Korean content that involve advanced technologies?

7. Junho, as the CEO of a company participating in this event, what are your thoughts on the significance of this kind of exhibition led by the government, that showcases content utilizing the latest technology?

8. Gichang, what about you? Could you also share your thoughts on this event?

Alright. I’m afraid that’s all the time we have for this edition.
Thank you.
source : https://www.arirang.com/news/view?id=276025

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