Hello and welcome.
It’s Monday August 12th here in Korea and you’re watching this workweek’s first edition of Issues and Insiders.
I’m Min Sunhee.
Today we take a look at the recent fluctuations in financial markets here and elsewhere.
For this I have Professor Song Soo-young at Chung-Ang University live on the line.
Professor Song welcome back.
I also have Professor Greg Buchak at Stanford University with us.
Professor Buchak it’s great to have you on.

1) Professor Song, let’s begin with your assessment of the current Korean stock market activity?

2) Professor Buchak, global stock market fluctuations have been linked to fears about a U.S. recession.
Simply speaking, is the American economy headed in that direction?

3) Professor Buchak, what are your prospects with regard to Wall Street’s performance during Monday’s trade?

4) Professor Song, the recent plunge on Wall Street has triggered talk about an AI bubble burst.
What are your thoughts?

5) Also, Professor Song, the Bank of Japan walked back talk of rate hikes after its stock market tumbled in response.
What is your outlook regarding Asia’s stock markets going forward?

6) Professor Buchak, a host of U.S. economic data are scheduled to be shared this week including its Consumer Price Index.
Do these upcoming findings look to further rock the boat, if you will?

7) And Professor Song, broadly speaking, what look to be the implications of a wider war in the Middle East on global stock markets?

8) Professor Buchak, keeping in mind the latest developments, how should the Federal Reserve seek to approach its task of rate cuts?

9) Professor Song, here in Korea, debate has been re-ignited over an upcoming plan that subjects retail investors to taxation for capital gains.
Do tell us a bit about this plan, and where do you stand on this debate?

10) Professor Buchak, let’s end with your words of advice amid prospects of greater fluctuations in global stock markets in the near future.

All right.
source : https://www.arirang.com/news/view?id=274574

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