U.S. Democratic Party unveils its new policy platform including ongoing support for S. Korea


The U.S. Democratic Party Convention now begins over in Chicago.
Ahead of the four-day event, the party has come up with a new party platform emphasizing cooperation with allies, especially South Korea.
Choi Soo-hyung starts us off.

With the upcoming presidential election in November, the U.S. Democratic Party has unveiled its new policy platform that clearly states its ongoing support for South Korea against North Korean provocations.
On Sunday, local time, the Democratic National Committee released the “2024 Democratic Party Platform.”
In the platform, the Democrats emphasized that they have always stood with South Korea in the face of illegal missile enhancements by the North, and they will continue to do so.

They also stressed that they will never turn their backs on their allies.
On Monday, the opening day of the Democratic convention in Chicago, the Democrats said that America is strongest when its partners are strong.
They criticized former President and current Republican candidate Donald Trump, claiming that his actions damaged U.S. relationships with its allies, making the country “less safe.”
The platform also stated that the U.S. will continue to lead the world and will work with allies in Europe and the Indo-Pacific to counter security cooperation between North Korea, Iran and Russia.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Vice President and current Democratic candidate Kamala Harris announced that she would raise the corporate tax rate if elected.
On Monday, James Singer, a spokesperson for Harris’ campaign, stated that if Harris wins the election, she will increase the corporate tax rate from the current 21 percent to 28 percent.
Singer explained that this is a financially responsible plan aimed at reducing the tax burden on workers and ensuring that billionaires and large corporations pay their fair share.
Trump had lowered the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to current 21 percent during his presidency.
While Harris is planning a rise in corporate tax, Reuters has reported that her Republican rival Donald Trump has hinted at the possibility of eliminating the 7,500 dollar tax credit for electric vehicle purchases in the U.S. if he is re-elected.
Experts said if this tax credit is removed, it could directly affect electric vehicle sales and have a negative impact on the battery industry.

Choi Soo-hyung, Arirang News.
source : https://www.arirang.com/news/view?id=274860

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