
Achasan Mountain (아차산)

Achasan Mountain (아차산)

Achasan Mountain, reaching an altitude of 295.7 meters above sea level, stretches from Seoul to Guri and is an extremely popular hiking spot for residents of Seoul, Guri and the surrounding area. Towards the top of the mountain (about 40 minutes into the hike) a panoramic view of the Hangang River and Seoul unfolds.

During the Joseon dynasty, the current day Bonghwasan Mountain, Yongmabong Peak and Manguri Cemetery were considered part of Achasan Mountain. Twenty bastions were discovered along Achasan Mountain that were originally estimated to date back to the Three Kingdoms Era. Further research indicated that some of the remains were actually part of a military fortress built during the Goguryeo Era.

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Achasan Mountain (아차산)

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