
Konjiam Resort (곤지암리조트)

Konjiam Resort (곤지암리조트)

Located in Nogobong Valley in Taehwasan Mountain in Gwangju-gun, Gyeonggi-do Province, Konjiam Resort is only an hour away by car from the Gangnam area in Seoul. The year-round resort boasts the largest ski slopes of Gyeonggi-do Province, a condominium with 476 rooms, the nation’s first residential spa, and a variety of other facilities.

Some of the most unique features of the resort are the ecological stream running through the resort and the cave wine cellar where about 90,000 bottles of wine are stored. Another visitor favorite is the Konjiam Arboretum, which has 3,700 species of plants and about 20 themed gardens.

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Konjiam Resort (곤지암리조트)

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