
Nam-Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA) (서울시립미술관 남서울생활미술관)

Nam-Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA) (서울시립미술관 남서울생활미술관)

The Nam-Seoul Museum of Art offers visitors a meaningful opportunity to linger beside the traces of history. The building previously served as the Belgian Consulate during the Korean Empire (1897-1910) and has since been designated as a historic Site. It was first constructed in Hoehyeon-dong in 1905 and was relocated to its current location in Namhyeon-dong in 1983. The museum hosts public programs tailored for audiences from various backgrounds in rooms arranged along both sides of a long corridor in the two-story building.

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Nam-Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA) (서울시립미술관 남서울생활미술관)

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