
Nodeul Island (노들섬)

Nodeul Island (노들섬)

Originally called Jungjido Island until the 1950s, Nodeul Island was a sandy plain used for recreational purposes until the areas of Hangang River underwent development in the ’60s and ’70s. The sand was used to create what seems like an island floating in the middle of the Hangang River. Nodeu Island was left abandoned for the next 50 years until 2005, when the Seoul Metropolitan Government purchased the property. After a series of planning and changes, the island was open to the public in 2019 as a recreational area while preserving most of its original form. Nodeul Isand’s main attractions consist of a live house (concert hall), bookstore, lounge, restaurants, and more, serving as a cultural entertainment spot to the public. 

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Nodeul Island (노들섬)

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