
Panmunjeom (Joint Security Area) (판문점)

Panmunjeom (Joint Security Area) (판문점)

Panmunjeom is located in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), 50 kilometers north of Seoul. This is where the Armistice Agreement was signed on July 27, 1953. Panmunjeom is within the Joint Security Area (JSA) secured by UN and North Korean military and is beyond the jurisdiction of North and South Korea.

Panmunjeom and the JSA became even more well-known after the release of the film “Joint Security Area (2000).” Now, Panmunjeom is one of the most visited tourist sites of the DMZ. As Panmunjeom is within the Civilian Control Zone, international visitors can tour the area through tour agencies administered by the UN.

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Panmunjeom (Joint Security Area) (판문점)

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