
Seoul Geumseonsa Temple (금선사(서울))

Seoul Geumseonsa Temple (금선사(서울))

Geumseonsa Temple is located within Bukhansan National Park, just behind Cheong Wa Da (The Blue House) and Gyeongbokgung Palace. The entrance to the temple is just off the hiking path to Bibong Peak.

After passing Banyajeon Hall, where Buddhist services are held, visitors will see a pine tree over 200 years old, and beyond that, a staircase with 108 steps leading up to Daejeokgwangjeon Hall in the temple’s main area. To the right is Samseonggak House and Hongyegyo Bridge over the clear waters flowing down from the mountain.

Additional temple buildings include Mitajeon Hall and Yeonhwadang Hall, built in 2004 by Monk Beopan; and Jeokmukdang Hall, built using traditional construction techniques.

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Seoul Geumseonsa Temple (금선사(서울))

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